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The Oracle
The Oracle Summary
Channeled Message
The Universe awaits you. Silently and with curiosity she witnesses you as you are. No hope, no fear, simply the witness to the greatness you choose to create. What greatness are you ready to allow to manifest through you? What words will touch the souls needing comfort? What actions will feed the hungry spirits awaiting sustenance and abundance? You are the divine conduit. Let the universal force flow through you as she supports you in all that you are.
Oracle Card Pull
Take a deep breath, and choose a card you feel drawn towards. Let your heart and intuition guide you. Which card do you desire?
These cards are from Rebecca Campbell’s Work Your Light. Find your card below and read the channeled message specific to you.
Card 1 - CHARITY - Prayer and Contemplation - Connect with heaven. Ask and you sha’ll receive. You and source are one. You are a co-creator. The Universe works in service to you. What is it you so desire right now? Can it be as simple as asking and moving into receiving mode? Surrender and allow your gifts to flow to you.
Card 2 - SERAPIS BEY - Ascension - Move into your true self. Rise above the darkness - the light is here. Darkness and light do exist, the darkness was born of the light. Everything is light in creator mode. The first breath of creation is that of light and love. Return deep within yourself to see the light and love with all. Ascend the darkness by returning to your light.
Card 3 - GREEN TARA - Supreme Protection - You are protected. Cords are being cut. Move beyond limitation. Trust. You are only as limited as you believe yourself into being. Your spirit is connected with the power of the Universe, believe yourself being protected and so it is. You are protected, anything that does not serve you is released and surrendered back to spirit. Transcend limitations and dive into freedom.
Upcoming Events
Join our Shadow Work Full Moon Ceremony 8PM MST Dec 15th. During the cold moon of December we will take this time to go inwards and work on our shadow self. The parts of ourselves we may have deemed as unwanted, repressed, or resisted.
Awakening To Our True Self Talk 8:30AM MST Dec 17th. This free live talk is on who you are. Let’s explore this topic of awakening in our divine consciousness.
Courses and Programs:
I am offering a Reiki Level 1 in person course in Canmore Alberta February 8th from 10-6PM. Learn more here.